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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Went for my first paper for Sem 2 this afternoon

Funny thing is, i din know the grand hall is located at which level..

Ya la... i'm really sua ku in the sch k! Already Sem 2 still dunno where is where.. Can walk the wrong direction to the wrong class.. LOL

First thing in the morning msged carol.. she told me it's at the 3rd level but she's not sure

So i msged Fen to double confirm.. she told me it's at the 4th level but she's not very sure too..

So i was.... thinking i'm not the only sua ku la!

At 12plus i still dilly dally go bathe.. when i was ready to go out, it was freaking 1:45pm and my paper starts at 2:15pm

Took a cab down and sua ku me managed to find the grand hall la

And sua ku me cant find my desk.. LOL... my seat was so far behind and i actually put my bag at the front stage

Today's paper considered ok.. but after the exam i realised i pick the wrong qns to do... Coz i got no time to complete the whole paper

Reason: All the qns i choose got lotsa diagrams to draw!

Weird thing is, i thought i should be able to finish all 3 qns within 2 hours.. In between when i was trying to recall something i have studied, i actually was dreaming leh.. for ......mins

So it went on for a few times and it's already 4pm

I am not afraid that i might fail this paper.. just that i'm losing my distinction! though the assignment marks 40% of the paper

After exams, i went for my interview.. it went smoothly i suppose

Tonight i'm going to rest abit of my brain cells

Well, last week BF finally went to the dental.. initially i thought that he will be able to keep his tooth.. BUT!


Here comes toothie!

I feels totally disgusted when he told me the process

Lots of ppl been touching my hair today

I know it's freaking long... it gonna touch my waist i guess.. No la! Kua zhang!

Thinking to perm my hair... so it's gonna be long den nice la..



oiNking @ 11:19 PM

Monday, October 27, 2008

I used to love holidays when i'm working

But now, it's just like a normal day to me

Been out for BBQ seafood just now

I like! but it's abit too spicy for me

Wanted to go out after dinner just now

But i think of my exams, i wanna faint...........

I think i'm slacking in my pace to mugging

Need to digest so much of the content

Preparations for advance cost planning paper is abt 3/4 done

Choose 3 qns out of 5

The lecturer is good

Before he went back, he told us all the exam questions

And i just need to pick 3 qns to study

3 qns is not easy

Lots of diagrams to draw

Lots of contents to remember

One motivation is, Law assignment results out

High D! Great!

Wed is drawing near

And i hardly can breathe

My table is full of my highlighters and notes

Good luck to me!~

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oiNking @ 11:52 PM

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Went back home today

Mummy made dinner for me

On the way back, meet Fen to get my stuffs

Thanks carol for helping me to photocopy ur law notes, if not i think i gonna copy till siao

Thanks Fen for helping me to print my additional notes

I hate to ma fan ppl when they r busy working

Talk a little to Fen, but was catching a bus back home so din talk much

Clear my room a little when i'm back

My room seems to be very messy

And my table is full of my unopened letters

I'm lazy to open all and see

But of coz some important ones need some attention

SIM is implementing a new system

A card to sign our attendance

OMG! meaning if i never attend class, i cant ask ppl to help me sign my attendance

Ma fan!

Still need to go back to sch for photo taking for that stupid card

I got no mood to study today

Wanna take a break and watch my show!


oiNking @ 11:34 PM

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Am feeling low for these few weeks

But was quite happy yest night when i check my mail

I'm going for interview tml!~

But the location is abit errrrr.... far.... and i think no bus... so i dunno how to go also

Though the recession is affecting lots of ppl

The construction industry is affected somehow

But still seeking for ppl

That's wat i'm happy abt

For the time being, intensive mugging!


oiNking @ 5:29 PM

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Had a terrible nightmare yest night

Dunno i was in deep sleep or half conscious

But the dream was so real

Was at BF house that very night

Preparing to sleep

We were both playing fighting game with each other, when BF sudden just twist my arm and it was dislocated

Went to the hospital and have my arm amputated

When i woke up, i throw a great temper and chase all ppl out of my room

Gosh!~ Choy! dreams is always the opposite of the reality


But i was thinking wat will i do if it turns out real

When i wake up today, i keep looking at my arm la.. LOL

Bo liao! Siao!


oiNking @ 11:16 PM

Friday, October 17, 2008

Recently economic isnt very good

Going down and down

So i need to secure myself with a job first

If not hard to find next time

Recently keep on raining and raining

Wan go tanning also cannot


Sometimes i wonder, when a person is having so many burdens to handle, and someone is at ur side adding to ur burden, wat will u do?

Instead of solving those burdens, that someone keep on thinking of ways to solve the prob now and add on to the burdens more and more

Yes, solving the prob now is a good solution, but adding burden to the next time is really hard

I'm so god damn worried for my sch fees next sem can

Freaking 3kplus

Go rob the bank better

I think i gonna prepared myself for the worst

Had know that one of DLS tea lady passed on

Well, during my days in DLS, i had no good impression on the both of them

Everytime i wanna wash my cups, the aunties will always put their trolleys blocking our way and standing at the basin k-siaoing to do things

I remembered once when dap wanna wash her bottle before we went down to smk

But that auntie was like shouting at her to go toilet and wash

So she was damn angry

Me too

Becoz i tolerate them for very long also

So when we went up, those aunties keep complaining abt dap in hokkien and my place is just infront of them

So i told dap and she came over my place and pretending wanting to wash her cup again

This time, the auntie again ignore her and continue doing their things at the basin

Dap shouted Fark up auntie!

Really la, they r giving attitude to us lo

Last time i always said, like to do things at the basin, might as well bring home the basin also

I dun click with those aunties

Their coffee or tea isnt my type too

I prefer going to the living room and get myself a hot green tea instead

Going mugging at my notes

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oiNking @ 6:43 PM

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Had been MIA in friendster for a long time

Usually i'll check out friendster everyday

Finally went to check today

From the "who viewed me" option, i saw HL view my profile

I know she doesnt mind letting me know she view my profile

Becoz that's her

I dunno wat happen which cause the 3 of us not talking and ending up like enemies

All i can say, they r really a good bunch of frenz to mix with

A good bunch of frenz who will help and no second sentence when u r in troubles

Send a friendster msg to her: though i know we will not talk anymore, hope u r doing fine =)

But i know, she wont reply

Or even to bother

Just check and saw her reply

Quite happy though

Coz with her attitude and temper i doubt she will reply me

But with a stranger msg style: hi, am doing fine. you?

How should i reply? How to break those doubts in my mind with her?

Well, those days in DLS with them is really enjoying.. and i mean really enjoyed!

Received a friendster msg from bro: oi oi .. so long didnt update your life with me already. how are you huh ? hows ya job ? roger? =p

Reply a msg to bro: 救命啊!!!!

I appreciate ur help bro!


oiNking @ 1:23 PM

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Been feeling very emo these few weeks

Had been recalling memories during sec sch band days

I dun click with most of my classmates during sec sch

Except for a few, Wen fang, Mei Fang, Loh Qi

Especially Loh qi, she was the one who sat beside me during class from sec 2 till sec 5

Band practices 3 days every week

I'm glad i found can click khakis in band

Though they came from different classes, different levels, different sections

The whole bunch of us, Brenda, Joanne, Bing Zhen, Yilin, Melody, Xiao Hei and Chua

I remembered chua wasnt in our gang in the first place

But forgotten when and how we manage to talk to each other

I remembered she got my hp number and started to msg, thats how we became best buddies rite? =)

We always went out after band practices with our "Bees" Tees

We all hated our teacher-in-charge then, Ms tay.. LOL

And not forgetting how we used to practice for SYF

Practising for a song till we can close our eyes and play

Forgotten the name.. wat "green" hahhaahah

The first part is clarinet's solo, if i'm not wrong, played by chua

Nice one!

Every year's band camp is not a miss

With duties when most of the juniors r sleeping

Listening to ghost stories during duties

Gossiping behind when Mr chin is emphasizing on some sectional stuffs

Drill practices is the one i hate most

Coz i sweat like hell under the hot sun

After we grad, we r not as close as before

But the happy thing is, we r still in contact

Sweet memories isnt it?


oiNking @ 11:52 PM

Monday, October 13, 2008

Yest had a big quarrel with mum

I admit i shouted real loud at her

I know she care for me

But sometimes she's just too naggy

And keep repeating and repeating the things she told me

I'm sorry mum!

Went to repair uncle's car on sat morning at 7plus

I'm damn tired

BF's bro come fetch us back to the kiosk

The mechanics is good and fast in repairing

Price wise also reasonable

Was playing the games again

Really hooked!!!

Played a new game


Going off to play MJ!


oiNking @ 11:45 PM

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Been a while since we last went fishing

Yest night went over to punggol for fishing

I was quite pek cek la

Coz i kanna bitten by lots of mosquitos

And usually the spot we went has very bright lights

But yest, it was not on

So cant see clearly everything

Went home earlier

Well, going for interview tml

From next week onwards, i'm going to study for my upcoming exams

Mugging again

But really, studying is better den working

Only thing is, working got $$ while study no $$


oiNking @ 6:52 PM

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Was preparing to go out for dinner just now

BF was driving

But i'm scared to sit his car when he's driving

Coz of so many accidents happened and i was around

I dunno y he likes to tail gate ppl's car

And speed so fast when there's so many cars around

Was on the expressway, when we notice that the temperature of the car is at H

Stop by at the road shoulder to check

But we dunno wat to do

So manage to drive off to the petrol kiosk when the whole car died on us

BF was refilling water and the car just burst out in smoke

Was a great sight

Although the engine has cool down, we still left the car at the kiosk to get it repair tml in case the car died again if we were to drive home

I think uncle should sell off this car le

Had so many accidents with this car

Engine sure have problems

Recently BF has been surfing the net for cars

I'm pissed off when i wan to use the lappy

Cant he look at something realistic?

Do he have the money to buy?

Instead of looking for a job, he look for cars

He thought i will be able to get the previous job

And so he was thinking to buy a car

Dont expect me to pay everything for ur car when u r not working

I have to pay so many things

Just my sch fees can let me die

Let alone ur car!

Ok, maybe he's just getting info on how much the market price for the car

But, it's still early yet

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oiNking @ 3:30 AM

Thursday, October 9, 2008


Was playing Janes Hotel trial version just now

But funny thing is after one hour, the game didnt log out itself

So i continue playing till level 25

If i exit the game den i cannot play le

There's some error with the program

So i cant complete the whole game!!!!

So angry can


Good news is, i'm going to a interview on monday

Near Near by by

Boon Lay

But i think the office got no transport to get there de

So the contract manager was offering me a ride from her by waiting for her at JP taxi stand

Hope i'll get the job la

Coz near mah.. My main concern is the location la

And of coz the $$$$$$$$

I can see my spree coming soon!~

I can see my iphone soon!~

I can see my PSP soon!~


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oiNking @ 11:35 PM

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Recently was playing all the DASH games

But especially love the Go-Go Gourmet Chef of the Year game.


But only got to play the trial version. No place selling this game leh =(

Got to gossip with Fen on msn few days ago

I told her one shocking news

Ya la, i'm KPO. Which ger dun?

Like wat i've said, if ppl get married solely because u r pregnant before marriage, ur marriage wont last long.

Unless before having a baby, both of them had the intention to get married. Then the marriage is just brought forward only.

If not, wat's the point in getting married to a guy and make yourself miserable for ur whole life?

But not everyone will get in the situation i mention above. I mean most of them.

To some, maybe their marriage will survive, but to me, i think only 10-20% of them survive.

Everyone has different ways of doing things la.

But mine, surely wont end up this way!

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oiNking @ 10:41 PM

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Just watched a show on channel 8, hosted by Quan Yi Feng and Li Ming Soon

Life Transformers

A very typical stories of variety singaporeans

Today is the first episode

Featuring a lady who is in her 30s, had 3 kids living in a 3 room flat with her parents

Her husband, commit suicide by jumping down from their house kitchen when she and her children were having dinner

I think the purpose of the programme is to help ppl facing problems and how they deal wif it and not airing to ask ppl to show concern to them. One way or another, it's telling us how good is our life now.

I dunno y

Somehow this show interest me

Maybe i like true stories from ppl

Whether it's good or bad

Sometimes it's good to share it out

Forgot to mention, auntie knows i've been wearing her slippers. So she brought me a new pair. Brikenstock papillo. Auntie is in trend! Thanks truckloads!

I'm SooOoooOooOOooOOoOooo bOred!


oiNking @ 1:41 AM

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Really! I felt so very loved!

Uncle made fruit juice for me on friday night

BF was jealous coz he dun have! and i felt honoured coz BF said his dad doesnt specially made fruit juice for ppl

Auntie made my favourite, chicken curry for lunch on sat

And brought me a SUPER DUPER HUGE chilli crab from Jumbo for dinner

I ate it solely for myself

Coz BF's tooth is giving him problems

Finally, uncle decided to lend his car to BF on friday

BF hasnt been driving for the past few weeks

Becoz he keep banging his dad's car

The most accidents he had in this year

I think altogether adds up to 5 or 6 accidents regardless of he hit ppl or ppl hit him

2 accidents left me a deep impression

First accident: On the way to his house, we were on AYE at ard 2am. He was on the 1st lane and speeding fast coz fewer cars were ard. And there's this COE stupid Nissan Sunny car was driving on 2nd lane. I dunno whether is she racing with BF becoz she came quite fast. When i have the time to notice, she is beside our car. And guess wat? I hear a LOUD BANG! She actually hit our car at the passenger side. Before she come over, i already notice how come she's riding so close to us and BF has been avoiding and avoiding but still accident happens. When it happens, BF immediately pressed the hazard lights and wanting to stop at the road shoulder. And this stupid lady driver speed off! Yes she hit our car and speed off! We were both damn angry and chase her. Two times we ask her to stop she didnt and show us that "wat u wan" face. Finally she stops coz BF drives infront of her and brake. Becoz if she hit our car again, her car surely cant drive le. And so she was winding down her window and ask, wat? BF just said, give me ur driving license and IC. So she get down from the car and said it's us who hit her. I was damn angry so i said: If we were the one who hit u, will u speed off and not getting any particulars from us to repair ur damn car? She was giving me that stupid face and i add another sentence: dun give those sia lan face, i can make a police report that this is a hit and run accident ok! And she was there report report la! also no evidence. So i took out my phone and show her how the accident occur video and she was shock. LOL. My reaction is fast la! So i said: how? still wan report police or claim insurance? I was generous enough to give u a choice ok. Farker lady. In the end she choose claim insurance of coz la. But in the end we still made a police report. After weeks of investigation from the insurance company, we got the final report. Her car's insurance actually expired and she never go renew it. Meaning her car no insurance how can drive? So she paid us full sums of 4k plus. LOL

Second accident: Was on PIE when the car infronts jam brake resulting us crashing into their car and also resulting in me being injured. Both of my knees had big bruises.

Well. the first one sounds more interesting isnt it? LOL


I miss u too, mummy


oiNking @ 11:49 PM

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


















oiNking @ 2:28 PM

¸¸.★♥S H U 淑云 Y U N★.¸¸
If you think you know me, then read my blog, if not dun KPO
I lived my life well and good
Everything written here will remains
If u feels uncomfortable, den GET OUT if you hate it.

Email Me

peOple watCher
beAuty slEep
shOpping quEen
spOrt cArs
♥LV Neverfull
♥Lost 5 KG
♥Hong Kong & Macau
♥Super Duper BLING BLING watch
♥New Iphone 4
♥New coach skinny
♥Digital Camera
♥Polaroid Camera
♥New Desktop
♥Meet my 唐禹哲
♥Get a good Job
♥LongChamp Medium Le Pilage Bag
♥Get my Class 3 license
♥Finish off my degree
♥Money Money Money

狠狠哭 - 郭采洁