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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

BF knows that i'm feeling very low upon knowing that i din get the job

Yest while i was watching the tv

He told me he wanna go TM to buy something

So i said go lo...

When he came back, he bought 2 korean dramas for me knowing that i wanna keep it

So sweet of him! Thanks love!

Full House!

My girl!

And u know wat? when he went to check his account after buying those stuffs

He realise that how come his acc never deduct the $$ for those stuffs he bought

So he take a look at the nets receipt

He saw: No dial tone, please try again

Meaning the dvds is free! the person did not realise!

So this is a lesson for those working out there

Must take a serious look when ppl r paying using nets

If not, more ppl will get free stuffs like me!


Woke up abit late today

Still not feeling any good for now

Bought a vest i aim for very long

In white!

I like!


Oh ya.. chua chua

I still keep laughing when i think of the bear instead of the dog

Imagine she never bring it to vet and keep it till it grows big!

No need soft toys le lo... LOL

Gonna start my job hunting

Ppl hunt for food, i hunt for job


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oiNking @ 1:34 PM

Monday, September 29, 2008

The race is real exciting!

I was shock when i know they are going to run 61 laps

Safety car was in 2 times the track

But there are accidents involved too

Piquet's car crashed during the first 10 laps resulting in Bar out for the race too

I think Massa is real damn sad for his fault at the pit

I was surprised that such accidents could happen during the race

He went off when the pit crew was still refuelling and so attached to his ferrari

It resulted in him being the last in the list when he was in the first place

But replay shows that he went off when the green light is on

Still, penalty is imposed for him

I guess at that point of time, he might have felt he's losing the race

Disappointed in ferrari team

Raikkonen crashed the nice red ferrari during the last 4 or 5 laps

Still alonso wins.. Predictable actually.. He was in the 15th place when he went up to be the champion

Hamilton is still not bad.. catching up in 3rd place

I will wan to see live the next race

Fuel hose attached to Massa's car when he stops at the end of the pit!

Enough of my F1

Damn sad that i din get the job

Am feeling abit of disappointment in myself now


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oiNking @ 5:55 PM

Sunday, September 28, 2008

How i wish i can go and watch F1 live instead of watching it live on tv

The feeling is definitely not the same

Well, watch a little in 3 rounds

Massa was the fastest racer in Q1 and Q2

While in Q3, Hamilton is the fastest

In Q2, Alonso's car was having problem

So i guess he's in the15th on the list for tonight's race

I found my favourite song but haven offically published yet

告訴我 by 唐禹哲

He's a great singer whether in live or in album ok!


oiNking @ 11:43 AM

His New song is here!

Nice =)

稻香 MV

《稻香》词:周杰伦 曲:周杰伦
为什麼人要这麼的脆弱 堕落
珍惜一切 就算没有拥有

还记得你说家是唯一的城堡 随著稻香河流继续奔跑
微微笑 小时候的梦我知道
不要哭让萤火虫带著你逃跑 乡间的歌谣永远的依靠
回家吧 回到最初的美好

不要这麼容易就想放弃 就像我说的
追不到的梦想 换个梦不就得了
为自己的人生鲜艳上色 先把爱涂上喜欢的颜色
笑一个吧 功成名就不是目的
童年的纸飞机 现在终於飞回我手里
所谓的那快乐 赤脚在田里追蜻蜓追到累了
偷摘水果被蜜蜂给叮到怕了 谁在偷笑呢
哦 哦 午后吉它在虫鸣中更清脆
哦 哦 阳光洒在路上就不怕心碎
珍惜一切 就算没有拥有

还记得你说家是唯一的城堡 随著稻香河流继续奔跑
微微笑 小时候的梦我知道
不要哭让萤火虫带著你逃跑 乡间的歌谣永远的依靠
回家吧 回到最初的美好


oiNking @ 11:24 AM

Saturday, September 27, 2008

So piss off when i saw my group email

Coz i haven finished my report

Only send partial of it to let them comment whether i'm on the right track

And the act smart / clever MALAY GUY reply in the email

He: Attached is the simplified version of the law, sy please finish it by the weekend

Me: Open the attachment, and guess wat i saw?

The simplified version is he extracted out from one of my references and that this part i have already included in my partial report which i have send them earlier on

I replied: Please get yourself correct before u correct others to avoid making a fool of yourself. And dun need to extract such things from my references and saying simplified version of yours. And i dun need simplified version. I have already read all of them. Last and all, inform others if u wan to edit the content!

Spoil my mood


oiNking @ 12:07 AM

Friday, September 26, 2008

F1 is shown live on channel 5

Initially i din know until BF told me

Damn excited can

I'm glued to the tv le lo

The car damn nice

Today's fastest lap is 1:46mins by Alonso

I thought Hamilton will continue to be the fastest racer for tonight

But Alonso overtake him

Wat puzzled me is Alonso's car is Renault

While Hamilton's is Merc

The 3rd one is my favourite ferrari

How come ferrari is the 3rd and not the 1st?

F1's car is really damn damn nice

Even if it's just the normal brand: honda, toyota

I wonder wat's the feeling of driving such cars at such a top speed?

Tml's the qualifying round

Who will be the next Micheal Schumacher

F1 Red Ferrari show ur REAL POWER!~


oiNking @ 11:52 PM

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Upcoming interesting F1 race in sg

Was very excited.. but the tickets r ex ok!

Nice cars

Nice banner!

Circuit Map!


oiNking @ 9:11 PM

Went for the final interview today

When i reach the company, i look for the HR manager, Raven

He is a nice guy

Guiding me throughout

And saw ken, the one who interviewed me the first time

He was saying, hey good luck ok!

And he lead me to one conference room and told me to wait for the chief financial CEO, joey

His position sounds terrifying lo

And when i was talking to raven, i said: So later is Ms joey interview me alone huh?

Raven: Is a HE not a SHE.. *laughing

I was paisehz la

But he said his name sounds like a ger rite

And so the interview went on for around 10mins

MR joey was saying good.. very good.. and he was writing comments on my particulars

Whenever he writes, i wonder, is he writing negative comments abt me?

When it ended, i was phew! finally

I was waiting at the bus stop alone when the agent called and ask how was the interview

I was saying 50/50 chance ba

And i told the agent joey is a HE and not a SHE la

He was like shock and huh? really ah? i thought is a she leh

And we were both laughing over the phone lo

Such an interesting joke

Luckily raven told me is a guy before i started my interview

If not, i tell u i sure very surprise if i see a guy coming to interview me

The agent was asking me not to think so negative

He's quite sure that i'm selected.. just that they need some internal discussion so they did not give me an ans today

He told me ken gave me a very good assessment for the first one

Hopefully tml i'll received good news from him


oiNking @ 8:43 PM

Just when i on the tv on channel u just now

I sudden saw 娱乐百分百 showing 禹哲's 庆生会

Was so engrossed in the show that when BF asked me comments on somethings and i din even hear it

And so, he was a little angry abt it


Forget it, only waste my strength to quarrel with him

Previously from him bloggie, i know he has a birthday party in
娱乐百分百 but i thought it has been broadcast in tv le

So i was quite surprise to see that part of the show

He was damn funny coz everything was just to surprise him

Mr.PIG even called his ex-gf to ask her qns just to disturb him

And u can see his face is damn damn paisehz

From tml onwards we shall see how 禹哲 host the show with Xiao Gui

Mr.PIG went fliming for dunno wat movie

I can say, Mr.PIG is quite good in everything

In terms of dramas, songs and hosting

周杰伦 got new song again

but i forgotten the name.. only 2 words lo.. LOL

Gotta go for another round of interview tml today

This time, with the lady boss around

Quite anxious coz i'm afraid that all my singlish come out den die le

Let fate decides my destiny ba!


oiNking @ 2:07 AM

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Recently weather is damn hot can

Went for swimming on sunday alone


Hey, sometimes it's really good to do some things alone

But there's one thing i will definitely not do it alone

That is, watching movie alone

Imagine when u r buying the tickets

The person ask: How many tickets?

One! LOL

My stamina drop till cannot can

I swim for 2 laps and i feel like dying

So i was relaxing at the corner of the pool

And guess wat

There's this lifeguard who came down from his place

Squat in front of me

And ask for my name

I was

So i just answered: Jermaine

And he said oh nice to see u here

Can we be frens?

Again! I just gave him a stupid look and off i go swimming to another side of the pool

And he walk to the other side of the pool and started talking to me again

Siao ah!

I was piss! And get my belongings and off i go to the sun tann-ing deck

There's no ppl leh

Damn nice

But i din tann too much

I scare sun burn la

Aga aga can le

Some more my tanning oil power de lo

Make my body freaking hot!

But i like!


From the tanning deck


Pardon me for my fats! LOL

I wan to go swimming again!

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oiNking @ 2:31 AM

Monday, September 22, 2008

The agent just called me saying that the company has positive feedbacks for me

Well, i'm happy of coz

But i need to go for second interview as the boss wanted to see me

Becoz when i went for the interview, she was busy and she din see me at all

Haven schedule a date for my second interview yet

If second interview is successfully done

I will be working in this company

As the benefits is good

And from wat i see, the ppl is also young

Can click well i guess

But the location is abit far la

And ma fan if i need to go to sch

But aiyahz got job den work first lo

Rather den staying home and shake leg with no income

If not suitable den work and shun bian find lo

But i'm afraid that i'll skip work again

Ended up like the previous company

Talking abt the previous company

Damn angry la

Bo liao de lo

Leave one year only 10 days

If work one year in the company den got additional one day of annual leave

Haven go to MOM to complain them

It's really unfair to me lo

Without compensations too

Ppl r contradicting isnt it

When u r working, u dun feel like going to work

When u r not working, u wan to go work asap

I guess most of us will have the feelings too


oiNking @ 4:27 PM

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Went for another interview yesterday

Yesterday's one is much much more better den the previous one

Wat makes my eyes pop big when the interviewer said: our company fully sponsor ur studies if u r a confirmed staff

And he continue to add on that next time if i finish my degree, i may wan to study others and it is also sponsor

And the main thing is NO BOND!

Auntie was telling me there's this new rule full sponsorship for studies got no bond unlike last time in private sector

There's exam leave too

No need to go to site

Good huh

But i still dunno the outcome yet

Hopefully is a succes ba

Really sick and tired of interviews

Before interview, i went to the agent's company first

This agent is good

He taught me how to handle questions when being bomb-ba-ing during interview

I learn new things from him

How nice

Was taking a very long journey bus yesterday to the interview

So listened to radio

My long time favourite

And i happens to know that 新加坡金曲奖 is here again

And i just happens to know that 唐禹 is nominated in 最受欢迎新人

I'm not interested in 新加坡金曲奖 la

But to those ppl who r nominated, it means a lot to them though

My fren 何维健 is also nominated

Wish him good luck!


oiNking @ 1:09 PM

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Went for an interview yesterday

Alight at outram and then change bus to the place

But i exit at the wrong exit which ends up me at the opposite of the bus stop

Was walking and wanted to cross the road to the bus stop

But the road got lots of lanes and no ppl was there to wait for crossing the road

Yes, I'm afraid to cross the road alone la

Den i was so pathetic that i went back to the mrt station to use the underpass to cross over to the other side


When i finally found the bus stop

I was like phew!~ FINALLY

But when i look closely

There's no number board! and there's also no ppl at the bus stop


I was puzzled

So i look around and decided to walk further down to another bus stop

As i was walking i was like

The weather was so hot yesterday can

I was melting away

The first impression of the company

WOW! how come so posh? the interior is like really damn nice can

I was made to wait for abt 15mins for the person to interview me

This is the first interview in my life time that last me for 1 hour

Two ppl plus me inside the interview room

Both keep bomb-ba-ing the questions to me

I wasnt prepared for the interview as i dont know it is so difficult can

I remembered one question was give me a reason y we should employ u

I was ????

My hp went flat

And i need to call the BF

Coz he called me numerous times when i was in the interview till it went flat

So i was smoking outside

And i saw one of the security guard talking to one malay guy

I was thinking.. should i go over and ask can u lend me ur phone to make a call?

It was so embarrassing can

In the end, i went over la

After making the call, the malay guy was asking me whether i know anyone working as admin and accounts

I said no

And he was there ranting that he couldnt find ppl

All the ppl who came for interview were foreigners

But he wanted singaporeans

And i was like thinking do u wan to employ me?

I was really desperate for a job la

But i din pop the question anyway

Enough of my interview

I think there's no chance for me

Anyway August and Sept is the worst month for me in this year

But must really thanks to auntie for helping me during this period of time

And uncle too of coz.. who paid for my medical fees when i was having food poisoning in the middle of the night

When i went vomitting and Lao-sa-ing for 3 whole hours

Talking abt the food poisoning

I was never ever had food poisoning before

That day i was like

Just kill me can

I need to go search for job le

Today is thursday already can

I got no time le



oiNking @ 10:47 AM

Nothing to do at the moment

Was browsing through youtube

I cant seems to find the song 告訴我 by 唐禹哲

This song is damn nice can!

He is a great singer leh

But it's not published yet

I din notice him until i watch the show
翻滾吧 ! 蛋炒飯


He's cool la

I like his hair style!

Was passing by a video store after my freaking interview yesterday

All those shows that i loved is all selling real cheap

I wan to buy

But not now

Stole some of the pics from his bloggie








He's vain!


oiNking @ 10:47 AM

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Have finish doing the research for CL assignment

Just having to type in the report and i'm done with it

Got back the results for cost planning and HR

Both got credit for the assignments

It's such a disappointment

Thanks to the MALAY GUY for editing the content

Was watching the drama 籃球火


But it hasnt finish airing in taiwan

And i hate to wait for the episode to load in youtube

One week one episode ok

Very long lo

Was wanting to wait till it finish airing den i watch

But for the time been, no nice drama to watch

Mr. PIG is damn funny inside 籃球火 can

Was watching 娱乐百分百 last week

And they r promoting 籃球火

Mr. PIG is damn good in hosting the show la

Even though he's the guest for the show

Have an interview tml

Hope it will be successful

Coz i hate looking for suitable job

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oiNking @ 5:23 AM

Monday, September 15, 2008

As i've said

Classes has ended

So left with last assignment to go before our exams

For CL class, i've only attended a few lessons

So for assignment part my group mates has splitted out the work

But my part is so difficult can!

I dun even understand the question how to do

Our group has our own email

So i was replying the email stating how to do?

As in not asking them to help me do

At least explain to me wat is the scenario

This is quite urgent

Due on 26th Sept

And for this Sem I have been grouping with different ppl

And there's this malay guy in my group

I really cant stand him

Wat he reply in the email makes me feels like SHOUTING at him

He wrote: IF u have been attending class, u will know how to do it

So i thought to myself

IF u know i've not been attending class frequently

Den wat the fark u gave me a so difficult part to do whereby i dun even understand wat is it abt

I've tolerating him for one sem le hor

And i'm not gonna tolerate him next sem

I remembered the last time we meet up for assignments is for HR presentation

He proposed to be the one viewing the final assignment

His reason: Becoz i wan to edit all the grammer mistakes

Your ang moh very good meh

Edit mistakes den change all the content

For the presentation, i do my part till morning and leave for work

During work, i checked group email for updates

That farking cb deleted all my slides and add in his OUT OF CONTENT slides

Can u imagine

I do the slides till morning ok

I din even sleep or take a nap

I was so damn angry when i know he deleted all my slides

I even prepared my speech le ok

Evening reach sch, prepared for the presentation

We were the 3rd group

As the first group was presenting

I saw my part was mentioned

Everyone is doing the same thing, except for different scenario

And i was like giving him a angry look

So i wrote a note on my notes

I hate my group that malay guy and show it to carol

She was laughing away and reply me with a act smart?

Yes, indeed he is

During our presentation

Jose was the first speaker to intro for our group

That malay guy was behind telling her wat to say

Jose got prepared her speech ok

And u imagine u were talking for this part and someone is at ur ears telling u to say abt another

Can be blur and not knowing wat to say rite

So i was really dulanz la

I just said to him

Can u just shut up and let her finish her speech

If u wanna talk u can talk all u wan during ur part

This is a group assignment and not individual ok

If u think u r so smart and good enough

Go ahead and do the assignment alone

For my part, i din even glance at the slides

I was saying the contents that i've prepared the whole night

Fark de

For this assignment i will produce a good product even though i've attend a few classes only

Just u wait and see

Once my part is done

And u come delete my content again lo

I will not just keep quiet ok

And he's not only deleting my part

He's also deleting other team mates work and input his own content

If u r so clever

Go to NUS la cb


oiNking @ 9:06 AM

Finally back at home

The feeling of me at home is great

Just dunno y

Maybe i just miss my bed


Just came back from biao jiu's house

The baby boy is cute

But still very fragile too

Had buffet at his house

But i din eat much

Was watching SCV while eating

And saw that my favourite show 命中注定我愛你 was airing in one of the channels

I was so engrossed in the show can!


Biao yi was commenting that i slim down a lot since the last time she saw me

But i dun think so leh

Instead is fatter ba

Take a bus to Vivo and den change another bus back home

While waiting for my bus at vivo

I was damn sianz

Coz i saw lots of ppl

Finally my bus came

A single deck some more

Luckily i'm able to find a seat

The bus was pack with ppl


I'm not racist

But seriously i hate BANGALA GUYS

They look so disgusting

The bus was pack till there's no more space

But those BANGALA GUYS still wanna squeeze into the bus

And there was this disgusting fellow who was standing beside me

Was holding the handle

His BODY ODOUR is strong can!

Cant stand

Even the guy beside me covered his nose too

During the journey

The bus driver suddenly jam brake due to i dunno wat

The whole group of BANGALA was like OEI at the driver!


Your r the ones who wanna squeeze in the bus even though there's no more space

And is heng that the driver jam brake if not i think will cause accidents

Whatever it is

I just cant stand those ppl

Received something from SIM which i dunno is for wat use

It's just a card


My cheeky face!~ OMG


oiNking @ 12:22 AM

Saturday, September 13, 2008

I'm so bored at his house

Luckily still got my lappy

Can play games

And my stupid nose is giving me problems again

Make me cant sleep well

Today quite sway la

BF wanted to withdraw $$ from the atm

But dunno how come the bar code is spoil

Den i din bring my atm card along

So we ended up no food, no drinks, no cig

Can die lo

Was playing miniclip games in the morning

Very long never play le

But my skills in playing game is really LAN

But my skills in playing Counter Strike is good hor

Still remember last time during sec sch times

Always went to Ginza to play CS with Lin and pals

Miss those times

BF said that i became a very hot tempered person recently

Well, i agree

I also dunno y

Maybe it's the pressure of looking for a good job and money problems ba

But it will be resolved soon i guess

Hopefully can strike Toto or 4D la

Hahahaha! I'm dreaming again

Tml is my Biao Jiu's baby first month

Kind of excited to see the baby boy

I love babies

But sometimes they can be real irritating

Going to play MAHJONG le

Huat ah!~


Isnt my wawa cute? LOL


oiNking @ 11:10 PM

Emotions feel me over

I also dunno wat am I piss off with

Just moody and angry over something innocent

Well, something cheer me up just now

I know i'm slow. Real SLOW can!

Now den i discover facebook is much much more better den friendster

Can play lots of games

Most of all

someone i know XXX me in facebook

He's someone i once loved? Nono. Should be admire

But it's a long long time ago story

Recently during one of my lectures, he called me to meet for supper

I was.. HUH?!

Was happy

Was anxious

Wat am I thinking huh?!

He's just a bro to me la


oiNking @ 5:25 AM

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Alright this shall be my permanent blog from now on.

I'm not following the trend of blogging or whatever

Just wanna pen down all my feelings in here

Classes for Sem 2 is over

Which means exams is nearer

And also mean that I have to pay my sch fees in a few months later

Been doing nothing for the past few weeks

Extremely nothing

Just slacking off my life

I hate it

But it's gonna change next week i hope


oiNking @ 8:55 AM

¸¸.★♥S H U 淑云 Y U N★.¸¸
If you think you know me, then read my blog, if not dun KPO
I lived my life well and good
Everything written here will remains
If u feels uncomfortable, den GET OUT if you hate it.

Email Me

peOple watCher
beAuty slEep
shOpping quEen
spOrt cArs
♥LV Neverfull
♥Lost 5 KG
♥Hong Kong & Macau
♥Super Duper BLING BLING watch
♥New Iphone 4
♥New coach skinny
♥Digital Camera
♥Polaroid Camera
♥New Desktop
♥Meet my 唐禹哲
♥Get a good Job
♥LongChamp Medium Le Pilage Bag
♥Get my Class 3 license
♥Finish off my degree
♥Money Money Money

狠狠哭 - 郭采洁