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Thursday, February 17, 2011

Good news is here~~

Finally left him during valentine's day -_-'''

A week passed since i came back from Shanghai

I really missed the 7 days i'm there!

Or rather should i say, i missed him

Come to think of it, it's really fate that has brought us together

If the 2nd day we went to elsewhere instead of Suzhou, maybe it will be a different story

Missed those nights when we head out in the freaking cold weather at night.. i think it's nearly 0 degrees at night.. Cars r lesser compared to normal days since it's the CNY period..

Well, he, driver and dave is really very protective of me.. they would afraid that i will kanna kidnap at the pub in shanghai during the last night

I got drunk coz of the stupid game we played and i kept losing.. not that i'm lousy, they r too good.. it's their game there anyway.. so kind of expected..

Well, i can say my 6th sense is very accurate.. i knew wat is going on... just that i didnt wanna say anything or rather i keep all comments to myself.. i know that Yao Zhi Long is interested in me... which explains he piggy back me back to the hotel without informing them when they settled the bill... Dave was there all along and he was aware too... he's very observant..

Dun wanna say much.. it brings back all the wonderful memories which is not going to happened soon... i dread myself coming back to sg... the Li Bie part @ Shanghai airport..

Anyway, everyone should continue wif their lives.. wat we used to do b4 the trip... it's time to wake up from the holidays and sweet dreams.


oiNking @ 1:57 PM

Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy 2011
3rd day of the new year

New year, new resolutions

- Enough money

- Enjoy life as much as i can

- Be more hardworking

- Get through with sch since i'm restarting this year

- Get my class 3 license asap

That's it for the moment

The bf just had an serious accident 2 weeks ago

Luckily, i'm not in the car

Else i think i wont be here

The car is beyond repair

So u can imagine how serious it is

Insurance is just paying for the market value of the car, which i think it's a little too low

Before the accident, we quarrelled over the phone on minor things

And yet he can called me after the accident to just say, now u happy? becoz of u i had an accident!

Come on la, for an accident to happened, the most important part is the driver can!!

Whatever it is, it's not my car anyway

Just that it's a little inconvenience to go somewhere like the beach

Well, i'm looking for a cute case for my phone and i saw this!




Selling at ard $28 which i think it's a little ex but come to think of it, it's handmade so actually it's worth the price

Just afraid that my careless hands will accidentally scratch the deco and came off

Well, i've to look for a job, take my pay den i can afford to buy it

The portable charger i bought last time went cranky so i was thinking to buy a new one

And i saw this cute charger selling at $10 each which is much more cheaper den my previous one


Hmmz, time to think for my future

I seriously do not wan to stuck with him since he's not changing a single bit

BUT, on a random chat when he and me talked about us

He mentioned that if i were to leave him, he will commit suicide and haunt me forever

I think back, maybe he dont have the guts to do so

But wat if it really happens? I'll be guilty for the rest of my life!

I think i dont love him as much now compared to last time

When i can sacrificed everything for him

This lost of feeling is due to him staying stagnant and not even trying to improved

Anyway, i'm still waiting for my prince to save me out of this agony!

To end this entry, i'll just post the spree pics which i bought few months ago since i haven been blogging regularly

Hopefully the next time i blogged, there will be happy news!










oiNking @ 2:57 PM

Monday, December 20, 2010

It's been ard 4 months since i last blogged

Shall not rewind wat have i done for the past few months

Otherwise this gonna be a long long post

Well, went to SIM enrolment last week to repeat my 2 failed modules

Intially i was still afraid that i will be alone in a strange class

Surprisely, the class i went to, can say i know 20% of the ppl there

Mainly Poly mates

I'm feeling happy though

One of my burden down - finally courts installment has ended

And me and my mummy is going to 8 days beijing + chende + tianjin tours during cny in feb

God damn cheap! $1108 per pax (this price was in sept when we booked)

The price now for the same exact tour is $1498

Huge difference can!!

Been a long time since i went overseas with my mum

And i'm planning to go batam in April and bkk in June for advance celebration for my mummy and me

And maybe to seoul somewhere in oct

Hopefully everything can be a breeze

Year 2011 will be a busy year for me

Christmas is 5 days from now

Shall get myself a belated christmas prezzie in jan - guess watch

Oh ya, i got myself a iphone 4 in nov

I trade in my iphone 3G for $320 and got the iphone 4 at $210

Still got some extra cash back

Very worth it!!

That's all for now

Hopefully the next time i blogged, everything will be fine

Most importantly, HAPPY

Advance MeRry cHristmAs to all~~


oiNking @ 6:03 PM

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Another month has passed and we r into august now

I'm still the same as b4

Keep changing job, etc

I should really kick tis bad habit of mine

Else, i see no future or career in me

Job hunting again but it seems like the ppl nowadays is having very high expectations

Last week went for an interview

Location not bad coz it's near my house

The interviewer actually interview me for 2 hours! Asked lots of qns like if u were being employed hw would u help the company to make money

The worst part is, he actually test on my maths knowledge

Him: If a contractor delays the construction process hw would u calculate hw much the contractor is to pay for the damages make to the company. For example, if it's a 1 million project and the duration is a year, if the contractor delays 876 hours.

Me: 876 hours is ard a month or 40 days of delay. Should be ard 5% of the contract sum

Him: Yes, i'm asking u hw much is the exact amount

Me: Different contract has a different % of damages to be paid to the contractor and it depends on hw the company wants to fix it

Him: A year has a total of 8760 hours

Who the hell will go calculate a year got hw many hours!

After the end of the interview, he said he will consider and ask the HR to revert to me

Seriously, during the interview, i dun wan to carry on replying his qns because he keep asking me the same qns over and over again

And i promised myself, if i ever get a new job, i will seriously work hard and strive out my own career

So i can go buy my IPHONE 4!!! My current 3G iphone is considered OLD liao

Though the reviews is that the reception is not very good but i believe sg is so small as compared to other countries and there's no complaints so far since so many ppl bought the phone

Recently has been going for roller blading which i super love it coz it's my childhood hobby!

Anyway, blog till here...

Hoping for good news and more updates for my boring life


oiNking @ 4:41 PM

Friday, July 2, 2010

The last Worldcup let me won quite abit of $$$

And this year, not so much but still, just for fun... 4 years once!~

Disappointed in the match that ended 10 mins ago

Netherland VS Brazil
2 : 1
I was actually wanted to bet on brazil, but i din not which i also dunno y
So luckily save $$$... LOL
But tml's match - Argentina VS Germany and Paraguay VS Spain
Super must watch matches
I'm thinking to bet on my facourite Germany and spain
But Argentina isnt weak either
Hmmm, I think i shall stick to my old choice =)


oiNking @ 11:58 PM

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

As mentioned earlier, i dread going to the dentist

But yesterday, it's been more den 10 years since i went to do a check up on my teeth

Seriously, extracting tooth isnt painless

The dentist know i'm god damn afraid so he give me 1 more injection which = 3 injections in total

When he gave me the 1 injection, i was thinking i'm brave but i'm not

The feeling is the same like 4 years ago when i undergo a surgery for my thumb

I started crying from the 1 injection till the last

I just cant stop crying

After which i feel numb on my lips, cheek and gum

Finally, he told me to keep still coz he will use lots of force to extract since it's the last tooth and i will hear cracking noises etc



My First Extracted Tooth

A very painful experience which i do not want to go through again anymore


oiNking @ 12:44 PM

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

It's been long since i went for dental check-up

I think the last time i went is during Pri sch where they offered dental services for us

I still remember the "nurse" in my pri sch is damn violent when they extract our teeth

Since then, i'm afraid to step into the dental clinic

I was looking at my teeth on the mirror randomly and i saw suddenly saw a decay tooth

Those jialat kind

The funny thing is, it doesnt hurt at all so i din even notice until i looked into the mirror

2 weeks ago, BF's dad bought me to a dental clinic for patching

And the dentist told me i need to extract my tooth or i can choose to keep it whereby they will put on a "cap" on my tooth after killing the nerve and that cost a freaking $1700

And he told me i got a total of 7 tooth need to be patched

So i told him to patch up the tooth first

And he said he got no time since i just walk in without any appointment

So i opt for cleaning up instead and that freaking cost $80

Today i went to another dental clinic to patch up my tooth

And the luckiest thing is, the pain in my tooth starts to go up to the max since yesterday night

So i got 2 tooth patched up now

But this dentist told me i need to extract my last tooth coz there's no way to keep it

I was so god damn sian when i heard this

But i should extract it no matter wat

I shall extract it next week becoz i haven prepared myself for the extraction

I was thinking to put on braces but again, i need to extract my corner tooth to make way for the other

Hmmm, if i'm not wrong, need abt 1k plus for the braces and i dunno need to put for hw long


It's better to have a nice smile wif healthy teeth & gum

So that i can prepare for wedding in the next few years time

Anyway, i'll be having a interview tml

Hopefully i can get in so that i can go Japan or Aussie wif mummy during CNY next year



oiNking @ 7:05 PM

Haven been blogging lately

Has been thinking much abt the BF

His mum said i'm using him and his dad say otherwise

Of coz, i'm really unhappy abt this remarks

He doesnt own anything y would i wan to use him


And sometimes, ppl just tend to say out something but instead hurt the others without knowing

My birthday is ard the corner, and the BF suggested to go out for a meal wif me treating his parents too

And his mum said, sure a not? she got money to treat a not? - HURTING

I'm trying to be good here by treating his parents and him to eat but instead i get this kind of remarks and isnt u should be the one treating me since it's my birthday?

Second, BF asked his mum to help me fork out 2k plus for my studies and his mum told me, you also dun have BEN SHI to study. - HURTING

The mum was saying i'm using him becoz i need her to lend me the money for my studies afterwhich i graduated, i'll leave him for good

BF suggested that we get engaged first so that his parents will know we already settled down and she will lend me the money for my studies

And getting engaged meaning lawfully married... i've lots of things to consider

1) He do not have a stable job
2) No savings
3) Go get engaged without wearing any gown just plain clothes
4) No wedding ring
5) Cant even apply for a flat coz the punggol house is under his name
6) My mum doesnt approved me getting involved wif a already divorce guy
7) I want to have all the blessings from my parents and his parents

All the above is a big NONO. Who will want to get married to this kind of guy wif no financial status and not wearing gown wif wedding ring just to borrow the money for my studies? And, if we were to have a family, who is going to pay for the expenses every month? ME ME and ME

I rather depend on myself to take loan from the bank!

Seriously, i've long wanted to go home to stay but i cant. Why? Because i need to borrow money from his parents for daily expenses since i spend 1k plus for paying the damn COURTS installment. If i have the money, i will not want to see their faces everyday

All this has been in my mind for quite a long time and i hate this kind of life

If he were to changed, i still can consider marrying him but now is 100% NO

Well, i'll depend on myself from now onwards and hoping to meet the MR RIGHT soon thought i'm still wif him

There's still a lot more of unhappiness wif the BF


oiNking @ 1:00 AM

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

I was actually wanting to buy a new IPHONE 3GS since my this 3G iphone is getting abit cranky

So i go around asking hw much is the trade in price for my current phone

They quoted me $350. Still i find it too Bo Hua but calculating back, i just need to top up $100 plus renewing my contract, it's still worth it

And the thing now is, luckily i din change to 3GS because 4G is coming soon!~

I got the info from the mobile shop guy who told me that 4G is launching around Aug this year

So i went surfing apple webby to see wat's the differences


The new IPHONE 4G

Functions is :
- Slimmer
- 5 megapixel camera with built in LED flash
- Video Recording and Editing movies
- Video calling with an additional camera on the front
- Retina display
- Multitasking when running third party apps
- Creating folders to store favourite apps

It's really tempting la!~ I did consider to change to other phones like sony ericission, samsung, HTC, etc

But i've already bought so many apps especially games on the itunes store and i dont want to waste my money

To add on, other phones doesnt provide so many free interesting games and apps

I'm DETERMINED to buy the 2nd generation of IPHONE 4G



oiNking @ 1:40 PM

Saturday, June 5, 2010

I was randomly surfing FB when i saw that BITCH A which i mentioned long long time ago in my previous post

The BF was only msg-ing her to tell her that he's unable to pay her off this month

Of coz, it's not a direct msg. Just telling her that our car is involved in a car accident and the repair fees is ard $15k and need to pay excess of $750

This BITCH A misleaded his msg and post a status on FB

This idiot haven’t even return money to us, don’t want to find a stable job still have the cheek to ask for more. No money still can drive a car. WTF! I despise such idiot! Anybody who lend this idiot the money I will salute you and say you are a “moron”!

Suggest you mortgage your flat and loan from the bank since property still got
...value and return the bank instead. We are not ATM or Bank!

First, i only owe her $130 for info. Do we need to go to the extend to mortgage the flat? PLEASE USE YOUR FUCKING BRAIN!!!!

Since she post on FB, i'm not afraid to let ppl know i owe her $130. I'm not defending the BF coz actually he's helping me.

And i super hate ppl who dun get the facts right and start ranting here and there....

My status in FB:
some bitches's brain just cant get the idea correct... the reason behind the sms.... is just so simple to let some bitches know that ppl cant pay u off THIS MONTH. Just simple as that! And ppl, does a non relevant bitch can suggest ppl to mortgage their flat their car just to return this bitch a $130?! WHO THE HELL R U... TO HAVE THE RIGHT TO ASK PPL TO DO THAT?

To add on, KINDLY issue a FOC COURT letter stating the AMOUNT $130. Get the FACTS right b4 u start calling ppl names. This shows even how HIGH EDUCATED DEGREE HOLDER person will also be a BORE in return.

Simply hate this kind of people!~


oiNking @ 2:21 PM

¸¸.★♥S H U 淑云 Y U N★.¸¸
If you think you know me, then read my blog, if not dun KPO
I lived my life well and good
Everything written here will remains
If u feels uncomfortable, den GET OUT if you hate it.

Email Me

peOple watCher
beAuty slEep
shOpping quEen
spOrt cArs
♥LV Neverfull
♥Lost 5 KG
♥Hong Kong & Macau
♥Super Duper BLING BLING watch
♥New Iphone 4
♥New coach skinny
♥Digital Camera
♥Polaroid Camera
♥New Desktop
♥Meet my 唐禹哲
♥Get a good Job
♥LongChamp Medium Le Pilage Bag
♥Get my Class 3 license
♥Finish off my degree
♥Money Money Money

狠狠哭 - 郭采洁